New Combined Power supply/Charger

UCS-CHR series is a combined charger and power supply with dedicated outputs for both charging and power supply. With a large input range 85~264VAC/ 120~370 VDC the series suits most applications requiring a combined power supply and charger in a small form factor. There are two different output types 12VDC or 24VDC with a range from 55 Watt to 155 Watt.

UCS-CHR series charges by floating charge. Floating charge enables the power supply to determine where the watts are required instead of a fixed ratio between power supply and charger.

When mains power fails UCS-CHR automatically switches to feed the application with battery supply uninterrupted. (UPS function).

UCS-CHR has two relay out for mains missing & Battery low. The potential free relays are closed when no failure. (fail safe)

UCS-CHR series can be backplane mounted or on DIN rail.


UCS-CHR series has

  • Adjustable Voltage Range
  • Output Overload Protection

  • Short Circuit Protection with auto recovery
  • Battery Reverse Connection Indication

  • Battery Low Voltage Protection

  • AC mains failure relay
  • Batt. low failure relay.




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Overview - RTU protocols and driver setup
Your RTU application may simply be an 'end point' and only need to interface with a SCADA host or other master device - or it may need to 'sing and dance'...
1- Select what you need
The RTU Configuration Tool allows selection of protocols and hardware.
2 - Create a project in WorkSuite
Then define IO points, create some logic and additional variables eg. this waste water pump station controller accumulates pump statistics and computes derived flow totals from change in wet well volume.
3 - Setup DNP3 slave for this example
Use the Fieldbus Configurator to add the DNP3 slave protocol, create a channel (how to communicate), create a 'session' (who to communicate with), then set application layer parameters (messaging rules).
4 - 'Variables of interest'
Variables (data points in the RTU database) can be 'exposed' to one or more protocols, by referencing them in either the fieldbus editor (simple protocols like Modbus), or including them in a 'profile' (advanced protocols like IEC61850 and DNP3). For DNP3 slave, the variables of interest are dragged in to the DNP3S profile, where they can be associated to object types, given a point address, event class, reporting limits etc.
5 - Prove it works
Connect the RTU to the SCADA host and prove the data values are transferred correctly. If you need to troubleshoot the message contents - use the RTU web interface utility to capture network data packets for viewing in Wireshark to quickly resolve issues.
6 - Make it smarter!
The WorkSuite logic tools allow you to interact with the RTU communications tasks, to enhance the monitoring and control of your data transfer processes. This example DNP3 slave RTU is monitoring the unread events buffers and is able to manipulate point object properties (event class, reporting thresholds etc) and network interface properties (IP address of the host and peer slaves that it may be communicating with).
Conclusion - enjoy having a 'future proof' RTU...
Your RTU requirements will evolve over time, so when you need more I/O, comm ports, protocols or RTU functionality - know it can be easily implemented in a Brodersen RTU.