High Speed counter Input
Input 8,9 provides counters, with up to 5 kHz counting frequency @ 50% duty cycle.
A user programmable debounce filter, in 1 ms units, is provided for each digital input, to filter out noise or mechanical relay bounce. This could also be used in combination with software counters, in case a low frequency mechanical contact is used for counters.
20 DI & 5kHz high speed counter Module
3D Model
Digital Input voltage:
Input 0..7, 10..19 Activated 10-30 VDC
Input 0..7 10..19 Deactivated Max 3 VDC
Digital Input current:
Input 0..7, 10..19 typical 2.5 mA @ 12 V
Input 0..7, 10..19 typical 5 mA @ 24 V
Input 8..9 typical 4 mA @ 12 V
Input 8..9 typical 8 mA @ 24 V
Input delay:
100 µs typical.
High Speed counters (Input 8,9)
Maximum frequency 5Khz @ 10-30VDC
Maximum frequency 2kHz @ 5-30 VDC
2Kv input to electronics, 1 minute.
Ambient temperature range:
-40°C to +70°C